Thursday, March 18, 2010


QR Reds Head Coach Ewen McKenzie has moved to reassure fans that the Reds' future is in safe hands, by confirming that 22 players have committed to the team for 2011, with more to come.
McKenzie said with rumours flying around the number of players coming off contract at the end of the year and whether some or all are in danger of being poached, he decided to put fans' minds at rest by giving a progress count on signings for 2011 - even though he'd prefer to concentrate on 2010.
“The only reason I’ve revealed the 22 number is for the benefit of our fan base. All they do is read about the 23 off-contract, so we thought we would put a number out there that might give them some comfort,” McKenzie said.
The declaration flows on from this week's announcement that the Reds have secured in-form duo Saia and Anthony Faingaa for a further two years and comes just a day before the Reds fly to South Africa for three games.
“People literally see the Faingaas sign and they say ‘that’s 23 minus two’, but we have done a lot better than that,” McKenzie said.
“I’ve said from the day I arrived here that recruitment was a focus and in that group of 22, rest assured we are looking after Queensland ’s interests. It has not been a shopping overseas exercise.
“I’ve been working at it with (QRU Head of Strategy) Daniel Herbert, who has done a great job as well, to secure the heart of the team for the long haul. We’re quite confident we are a fair way down the track.
“We’ve had players putting their hands up since the start of January. There haven’t been 22 guys signed last week because we’ve won a couple of games. These guys have been putting their hands up for some time.”
While the Faingaa brothers recommitted, McKenzie said he wouldn’t announce or further speculate on names as the Reds’ focus remained on the here and now, rather than 2011, when the Investec Bank Super Rugby competition will expand to 15 teams and include the Melbourne Rebels.
“We want to live in the moment, which is 2010,” McKenzie said.
“It’s not a useful discussion for us as a group to be talking about and creating anxiety in the playing group about who is coming and going. It will trickle out over time but we aren’t interested in spending a lot of time on it.
“There are still opportunities for players and guys in our squad and we don’t want to fill the roster too early.”

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